Meet Vossloh

Bertrand Gryspeert, CEO of Vossloh Switch Systems.

As the leading Nordic supplier in railway technology, Vossloh Nordic Switch Systems, part of the German-listed Vossloh AG, offers a comprehensive range of track technologies. With factories in Ystad and Örebro, Sweden, the company specializes in high-speed switches, customized track systems, accessories, and maintenance services. We talked to Bertrand Gryspeert, CEO.

Tell us about Vossloh!

– We are the leading Nordic supplier of railway technology. We offer comprehensive expertise and resources in all aspects of modern track technology – from prefabricated high-speed switches and customised track systems to a full range of accessories and maintenance services. Thanks to our long experience, we offer a high level of competence and unique customer-specific know-how. Regardless of requirements such as speed and axle load, we have switches and track components that optimise railroad traffic.

– Vossloh Nordic Switch Systems consists of two factories in Sweden. The Ystad factory is responsible for the production of track, switch components and tram equipment. In the historic SJ workshops in Örebro, the switches are mounted on sleepers. This is also where we store our finished products. Our parent, Vossloh AG, is a listed company in Germany with an average workforce of 3,612. In 2021, the Group sold €942.8 million worth of goods and services.

What challenges do your products solve for the customer?
– Everything we do at Vossloh Nordic Switch Systems is customer oriented. By far the most important thing for our customers is efficient, safe and sustainable solutions of the highest quality. Availability is paramount, which means that we, along with everyone else in the industry, need to deliver as much time as possible in an accessible railway infrastructure. If we can support our customers in this, we will contribute to high-capacity, green and energy-efficient mobility for years to come, while meeting our own business and sustainability goals.

What important trends do you see in the development of the railway industry?
– Rail is essential if we are to achieve carbon neutrality on a global scale. Rail passenger and freight transport guarantees low transport emissions, and Vossloh plays a direct and important role in this development.

– Sweden is facing a historically large modernisation of its railways, while train travel is more popular than ever. We know that industrialised and time-efficient track construction saves a lot of time on the tracks. If we do it right, we make the best use of our shared resources and increase the capacity of the system. But more is needed. To achieve our goals, the entire industry must share the same data in the same way, with the same goals. Proactive licence management, digital value chains and real-time data are a must.

– And technology is only part of the solution; collaboration is even more important. The fruits of such collaboration are in demand. By reducing the interaction between maintenance and traffic, we get a longer life for the asset at a lower cost. At the same time, we get increased capacity, availability, punctuality and predictability – and maximum use of the infrastructure we have. This is how we and all our fellow industry colleagues contribution to a sustainable, mobile society.

Why is it an advantage to work with companies from Sweden in a global market?
– Vossloh is one of the world’s leading railway companies, and in the Nordic region its subsidiary Vossloh Nordic Switch Systems AB is the leading supplier of switches and track technology in Sweden. Our products and services contribute to the safe, sustainable and environmentally friendly transport of people and goods, and we are committed to a long-term approach to equality and diversity in our industry. This means you will get the same delivery from us, regardless if you talk to us in Sweden or in any other country in the world.

Why are you member’s of Swerig?
– We have actively decided to become more involved in the future of the Swedish railway. This means that we want to be part of the discussions that shape the future of the Swedish railway. Part of this discussion takes place in Swerig. We know that we, as an industrial company, can contribute a lot. By making the industry more attractive, we also become a more attractive employer. We always try to take a broader view and be involved in how the railway can be improved.

Learn more about Vossloh on their website!

Top image: With Vossloh Nordic’s rail mounted crane, traffic can pass the site as normal. Here, the Snälltåget train passes by just outside Stockholm Central Station.

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